We recently received an e mail from Bill Black (Fleet Society member # 93) who informed us of a recent recovery of 1715 Fleet coins and artifacts from the Cabin Wreck site near Sebastian, Florida. His salvage vessel is the C31 “Carib”. The captain is Kym Ferrel and the crew consists of Mike Penninger, Jeff Harness, Richard Rabon, and Andrew Tidball. Bill sent us a number of high quality images of some of the items that were found. We selected and posted a few images for your enjoyment. All of the items depicted were found on July 18, 2019 about 1000 feet offshore in 9 feet of water under 7 feet of overburden.
Given that our Treasure of the Month for August consists of items recovered from the Douglass Beach wreckA 1715 Fleet wreck site located a few miles south of the Fort Pierce Inlet. It is often referred to by its old name, “Colored Beach.” In some early Real Eight Company correspondence, it was referr... More site near Fort Pierce, we thought that our website visitors might like to know what was being found at the other end of the Fleet recovery area to the north some 30 miles away near Sebastian.
Our thanks to Bill for taking the time to send us these fine pictures. Incidentally, Bill Black is the owner of Search and Salvage. His company operates out of Sebastian, Florida.