June 2024 – Treasure of the Month

For our June Treasure of the Month, we feature a mass of miscellaneous objects fused together into what is often referred to as a “conglomerate”. Closely related to “encrusted objects” and “aggregates”, conglomerates often feature identifiable objects lumped together into an assemblage cemented by ocean deposits. Our featured item contains many items that can be identified as seen below:

Found in shallow water at the Cabin Wreck site in 2014, this treasure was likely a passenger’s personal property. Silver buckles, medallions, cuff links and chain links are identified in this most intriguing artifact. Perhaps it was stashed in a small trunk that gradually deteriorated over time. The contents, now fused together, were left behind. What else was stored in this box remains a mystery. Or does It?

Over the years we have showcased a number of encrusted objects, clumps and aggregates. Although they may technically differ from conglomerates in some small definitional way, all these objects are worthy of continued study. They demonstrate the effects that seawater and ocean deposits have on long submerged items, be they large or small. Here are a few comparable past treasures we have featured: February 2012, February 2015, October 2015, April 2018, May 2020, March 2021 and November 2021.

Photos courtesy of Mike Perna.